FUNdamentals of Climbing 3: Advanced movement and technique

This workshop presents a big step forward. It builds on the movement and technique content of F1 and F2 and combines the theory and the practical elements of those workshops being delivered in more challenging situations. An understanding of all basic techniques is now assumed. The terrain will now be more difficult involving poorer hand and footholds and now moves on to much steeper ground. More complex techniques are now required and dynamic movement is covered in detail. At this stage participants are expected to have a deep understanding of the centre of gravity and base of support and be familiar with tracking these in climbing movement. Since dynamic movement is now covered, the ability use advanced observation techniques is also required in order to track what is happening when the movement is conducted at speed.

The main topics covered are:

  • Centre of gravity tracking
  • Introduction of point of suspension and its relationship to base of support in analysing movement
  • Advanced use of hands and feet in difficult terrain
  • Advanced techniques for use on roofs, volumes, use of heels and toes
  • Dynamic movement
  • Coaching ideas for teaching these techniques

Photo by Alan Halewood.

For queries about Mountaineering Scotland workshops, please contact ClimbScotland on

For Glenmore Lodge workshops see their website for further details.

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Fundamentals of climbing workshop - £85

Mountaineering Scotland members can book and pay easily and quickly online in our members’ web portal

If you are not a Mountaineering Scotland member, you can join and book your course place at the same time quickly and easily online in our members' web portal

Please read our booking and cancellation conditions.