Interested in joining a club?

There are over 140 clubs and Meetup groups affiliated to Mountaineering Scotland, offering a wide range of activities and locations.

Joining a club can be a great way to enjoy Scotland's hills and mountains, or make new friends at the climbing wall - whether you are keen to improve your hill walking, climbing or snowsports touring skills, gain a little confidence to try new things or pass on year's of knowledge and experience to your fellow club members. Members of clubs also get some great Mountaineering Scotland benefits too.

You can see a profile page for all our clubs in a particular region, as well as those with a nationwide membership, by clicking on the relevant option in the drop-down menu below.

Find out what the club gets up to, when and where it meets, and get links to websites, social media, email or other contact details for more information.

All our clubs welcome new members and you might want to check out more than one club to find the one which suits your interests best.

Nb. clubs provide their email addresses here to enable prospective members to get in touch, NOT to receive promotional emails from third party providers. Thank you! 

Dundee Mountain Club

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