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Mountaineering activities

It's difficult to come up with a catch-all definition of what members of Mountaineering Scotland get up to, but our activities are far wider than just traditional mountaineering. Perhaps the one thing that unites all we do is the aim of getting higher, whether that's on a heather-clad hill, an indoor climbing wall, a thousand-foot high rock face or an icy gully. But then there are the ski mountaineers, who only get up high so they can go down in style.

Hill walker and dog enjoying the view in the Scottish Highlands

Hill walking

Hill walking is perhaps the core of what we do, with everything else a progression in difficulty or an offshoot. But it remains a hugely popular pastime in its own right, great for both physical and mental health.

Rock climber reaching for a hold

Outdoor climbing

When the hills get steeper and the bare bones of rock show through, that's when rock climbing starts. Whether it's mountain cliffs or lowland outcrops, it's all about the thrill and the challenge.

Going through an overhang on an indoor climbing wall

Photo by Sandy Carr

Indoor climbing

Indoor climbing, once regarded solely as training for outdoor climbing, is now a sport in its own right, whether challenging your own abilities or pitting yourself against others in competitions.

Hill walker and dog enjoying the view in the Scottish Highlands


Mountaineering covers a broad range of activities, including scrambling, climbing Scottish mountains in winter, ice climbing and Alpine mountaineering.

Rock climber reaching for a hold

Snowsports touring

For many years skiers were almost only seen at ski resorts, but recent years have seen increasing numbers getting away from the clamour and into the open spaces in the mountains.

Going through an overhang on an indoor climbing wall

Disability matters

People with disabilities can face extra challenges in getting into the great outdoors, or to the climbing wall, but disability needn't be a total barrier.