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Who we are

Mountaineering Scotland is the only recognised representative organisation for hill walkers, climbers, mountaineers and ski-tourers who live in Scotland or who enjoy Scotland’s mountains, and acts to represent, support and promote Scottish mountaineering.

We offer training and information to mountain users to promote safety, self-reliance and the enjoyment of our mountain environment. We also campaign to protect Scotland's mountains and to protect access rights in those mountains.

Our funding comes from a combination of membership subscriptions, non-governmental grants and investment from sportscotland, which supports public initiatives and services in mountain safety, mountain weather forecasting, mountain training and the development and promotion of mountaineering activities.

Meet the team

Meet the staff who are responsible for the day to day running of Mountaineering Scotland, from providing training courses, to running climbing competitions, as well as admin.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors are volunteers who are responsible for overseeing the work of Mountaineering Scotland, working together with the paid staff to ensure the best possible service is provided for members.


Any vacancies, whether for paid posts or volunteers, will be advertised in this section.

In this section you’ll find details of our AGM, annual report and accounts, strategic plan and policies, articles of association, terms and condition, and – making far more rewarding reading for most – details of our associate and honorary members.

Navigation for mountain runners: Part 1

Ian Stewart, founder of Trail Running Scotland, takes a look at the essential navigation skill for anyone running in the mountains.


Mountaineering Scotland press releases are available to download from this section.

There are also useful media contacts and downloadable copies of our manifesto Respecting Scotland's Mountains and a Winter Mountaineering Media Pack which has useful background information for reporters writing about mountaineering issues.