Mountaineering Scotland has a number of policies and posiotion statements which guide our work in the field of conservation.
These range from overarching documents stating our vision for Scotland's mountains and the strategies we will use to achieve or protect that vision, to position statements on development issues such as wind farms and new hill tracks which can affect conservation and mountaineering interests.
Manifesto for the Mountains is Mountaineering Scotland's new policy, representing the views of our members in how we approach discussions about mountain landuse and management.
Our Conservation Strategy looks at the vision embodied in Respecting Scotland's Mountains and lays out the means by which we will work towards achieving it.
Mountaineering Scotland will only object to a very small proportion of windfarm proposals. This statement lays down the factors we consider in making a decision.
The unconstrained proliferation of hilltracks - some poorly made and damaging to the landscape - is of concern and is now a campaigning issue.
While we sympathise with the grief and loss that bereaved friends and relatives feel, we believe permanent memorial artefacts should not be a feature of the mountain landscape.