Support for new climbing walls

Mountaineering Scotland will actively encourage the development of new walls in Scotland in line with the agreed ‘Climbing Wall Strategy’.

These may include new build projects or upgrades to existing walls, such as:

  • Local Authority developments
  • Private ventures
  • Commercial developments
  • Charitable projects

The main criteria being a requirement for public access in an un-restricted manner in accordance with our policy to ensure facilities are built, designed and managed for the benefit of climbers (climbing activities, and climber expectations regarding freedoms to enjoy their sport are quite different to that of other indoor sports and are not always understood by non-climbing developers, and Mountaineering Scotland aims to provide specific advice on the management of a climbing facility).

If you are approaching Mountaineering Scotland for support, we will need to have enough information about the project in order to make a decision as to whether it complies with our requirements strategically and functionally.

Projects that approach the Lottery or the Foundation for Sport and the Arts should be aware that these bodies will contact Mountaineering Scotland for expert advice and in such circumstances it is helpful if the proposal has already had input from Mountaineering Scotland to ensure time and effort is not wasted. Those projects approaching the Lottery via sportscotland should note that it is a requirement that they are affiliated to Mountaineering Scotland for the life of the award and that this will be monitored by sportscotland as part of the conditions of the award.

Mountaineering Scotland would require the following information before giving support.

An outline of the proposed site for the climbing wall; the scale of the project (what Mountaineering Scotland category it fulfils): the overall wall dimensions and venue dimensions regarding circulation space; details of any ancillary facilities to be included; the total cost of the project and time-scales for completion.

A Development Plan containing details of every aspect of the project: including a draft design proposal for the wall including the style of climbing to be catered for - type of wall, the style of wall, the type of wall surface - what climbing wall system is being used, potential manufacturers (tendered and preferred); any market research undertaken or sourced to support the project, the proposed wall management systems and regulations (NB Mountaineering Scotland supports management systems that maintain freedoms for climbers as indicted in the Climbing Wall Manual).

We recommend that potential developers check out the Mountaineering Scotland Climbing Wall Strategy documents and the Useful resources for climbing walls page in the first instance.

A full breakdown of costings for a minimum of a three-year period: usage figures judged against entry charges and costs.

Applications remain confidential. However, as there may be multiple proposals and projects can take years to come to fruition, Mountaineering Scotland may have to alert prospective projects to the possibility of competition.

We would require a supported project to commit to the Mountaineering Scotland Conditions of Support to climbing walls.


If you have any questions relating to the above or want to discuss your idea, then please get in touch.