Scottish Mountaineer: Contributors 

What makes our magazine stand out is that the majority of content is written by, and for, our members - your photos, your opinions, your experiences, your advice and your adventures! 

If you would like to be part of it, please contact the Editor, Fiona McNicol, in the first instance to discuss potential submissions: 

Please note, we don't accept images that are less than 2MB in size, and will usually (unless under exceptional circumstances) only accept previously unpublished work. 

As of November 2023, a printed version of Scottish Mountaineer is published twice a year, being sent out to members in June and November. Editorial deadlines are roughly a month before publication date but, with the exception of late news, the content of each magazine is decided well in advance. 

If you have an article article you'd like to be considered for publication, please contact the editor, Fiona McNicol, and keep in mind the following editorial deadlines: 

June issue (Spring/Summer 2024) - 2nd May 2024 

November issue (Autumn/Winter 2024) - 10th September 2024

While many of the articles are sourced from Mountaineering Scotland members, the Editor is always looking for feature articles associated with Scotland or the exploits of Scottish-based walkers and climbers from any source. We prefer articles which take a different look at our activities rather than straightforward descriptions of particular hill walks or climbs. 

A feature will usually be around 600 to 1200 words in length, and be accompanied by a selection of 8-12 hi-res images. 

We also use photo features, where the emphasis is on the imagery; these features will still require about a dozen images, but with a more modest wordcount.

There are a number of regular features with contributions sought from members:

  • Your View - photo competition - reader-submitted images from recent climbing or walking adventures, accompanied by a line or a paragraph explaining where the image was taken and a brief note of what was being done. A prize is awarded for the editor's favourite. 

  • Club Spot - a chance for member clubs to tell prospective members a bit about themselves. This usually includes a bit about the club's history, its past and current activities, the sort of character it has, and contact details. This article will usually be about 1200 words and be accompanied by several hi-res photographs. Please discuss with the Editor before submitting: 

Most book reviews are commissioned by the Editor from a pool of volunteers, but submitted book reviews should be approx. 250-300 words and be accompanied by a jpg image of the cover.

The size of articles is not set in stone but, as a rough guide, a normal feature will be about two to four pages, with maybe as many as five pages for a major article. At roughly 500 words per page (plus pictures), that makes an average feature between 800-1200 words. We would normally use one or two photographs per page and, with few exceptions, would ask that the author supplies these (with the relevant permission to use) along with the text. Photographs should be supplied separately from the text, NOT embedded in it.

We do not generally make any payment for articles or photographs used in The Scottish Mountaineer and rely on members of Mountaineering Scotland to contribute to their magazine free of charge.