Get into scrambling!

Scrambling very often comes as a natural continuation of hill walking, as people become more confident in their abilities and ready to take on bigger challenges. You might want to tackle the Skye Munros, or develop the skills to complete a traverse of the famous Aonach Eagach in Glen Coe.

It requires both technical skill and confidence to tackle steep or exposed terrain safely and efficiently, and basic skills with ropework and arranging safe belays should also be acquired.

One option is to climb with a professional mountaineer, who will guide and safeguard you through more serious ascents than you would tackle yourself.

But it’s more rewarding to step up to the mark and acquire the necessary skills for yourself so that you can be more confident and self-reliant in the mountains.

You can learn from a friend or through membership of a climbing club, or by employing a professional instructor. An instructor could help you learn how to climb scrambling routes and to develop basic ropework and belaying, selecting and using natural rock anchors, abseiling with just the rope, route-finding and knowing when it is appropriate to use a rope.

Students get roped up for a section of the classic scramble up Curved Ridge. Photo by Al Halewood