Shared Rural Network (SRN) planning proposals

Mountaineering Scotland are concerned that the UK Government’s Shared Rural Network programme for 4G digital connectivity will negatively impact some of Scotland’s remote and wild landscapes. 

While we support the need to improve digital connectivity for rural communities and businesses and along the public road network, not all of the proposed new $G telecoms masts appear to provide this benefit. Many will be sited in remote hill country with no houses or roads, where development can be visually intrusive in the landscape and any benefits are small.

As part of a coalition of community, conservation and outdoor recreation groups, we have published a statement of concerns and have engaged with the agencies responsible for rolling out this programme to limit the most harmful proposals. 

We are monitoring 4G mast proposals near to recreational routes to summits and in wild places, tracking and objecting to those which have the most impact on mountaineering interests. The map and list below show the proposals that we know about that are currently in the planning system.

For locations of all proposed masts covering Total Not Spots (TNS) see the Shared Rural Network website.

Current mast planning proposals

Mountaineering Scotland will not object to all mast proposal – some may be essential for rural communities. Our focus is on minimising the impact on the wild qualities of the hill country that many of our members enjoy, and we will object to those that may be harmful to mountaineering interests.

You can help by sending in your own objections where you think masts are in inappropriate locations. Use the planning reference from the map or list below to find applications on the appropriate planning authority webpage (see list of planning portal links below) and see the documents associated with them. 

Looking for more information about the Shared Rural Network?  Read the FAQs on the SRN website here.

Mountaineering Scotland campaigns on behalf of hill walkers, climbers, mountaineering and ski tourers in Scotland on the issues that matter! By becoming a member, you can add your voice to that of our other 16,000 members and 140 clubs. 100% of our access and environment work is funded by our members, and with the pressures on Scotland's mountain areas ever increasing, it's more important than ever.

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