Notification of Mountaineering Scotland Annual General meeting

Saturday 19th November 2022

The 2022 Mountaineering Scotland AGM will be held on Saturday 19 November at 2pm at the AK Bell Library in Perth

The event will be held as a hybrid meeting, with member having the choice of attending in person or via Zoom. More details and the full  agenda will be announced in August.

As well as the formal business of the AGM, we are delighted to welcome speakers from two of our key partner organisations:

  • Dougie Baird is the CEO of the Outdoor Access Trust for Scotland (OATS) and will be talking about some of their award-winning work on upland path maintenance and plans for an exciting joint project with Mountaineering Scotland.
  • Ken Weatherstone is a volunteer member of Arrochar Mountain Rescue Team and will be sharing examples of how mountain rescue teams are using technology - including drones - to find people in the mountains, with a live demonstration of the mobile phone location software currently in use

Please note that in accordance with the Articles of Association, any resolution on topics out with the standard business of an AGM shall be competent business only if the intention to move it is notified by a Club Member or Individual Member to the Company Secretary at least 70 days before the AGM  (Sat 10 September 2022). 

Nominations for the filling of vacancies on the Board at the AGM shall be competent only if made in writing by a Club Member or Individual Member to the Company Secretary at least 70 days before the AGM  (by Sat 10 September 2022) or if endorsed by the outgoing Board. For further information please contact the Company Secretary Stuart Younie by email.

Company Number: SC322717

The Mountaineering Council of Scotland, trading as Mountaineering Scotland

(the "Company")

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on Saturday 19 November 2022 at 1430 in person at the AK Bell Library in Perth and online using Zoom for the following purposes:


(a) Roll call and appointment of tellers

(b) The approval of the minutes of the previous AGM and of any subsequent EGM

(c) The receipt of such reports as the Board may consider appropriate to bring before the AGM for approval or information

(d) The receipt of the Company’s annual accounts and reports

(e) The fixing of members’ annual subscriptions

(f) The election of the Board members

(g) The consideration of and taking of decisions on any duly notified proposals for the adoption of any new Policies or the amendment or revocation of any existing policies

(h) Any other competent business

By order of the Board


Company Secretary / Director

The Granary, West Mill Street, Perth, Scotland, PH1 5QP




1. Individual Members who do not intend to be present at a General Meeting may, subject to the provisions of the Act, appoint a proxy. Club Members who do not intend to be represented by a nominated representative at a General Meeting may, subject to the provisions of the Act, appoint one or more duly appointed proxies. A nominated representative attending a General Meeting of the Company on behalf of a Club Member shall produce to the Company at the relevant meeting an original or certified copy of the resolution of that Club Member, or a letter on the Club Member's letterhead, confirming the appointment of the representative for such meeting, such board resolution or letter having been signed by an senior member or an office bearer of such Club Member.

2. A form of proxy is enclosed with this notice. Completion and return of the form of proxy will not prevent a member from attending and voting in person at the meeting. To be effective, the appointment of a proxy and any authority under which it is executed (or a notarially certified copy of such authority) must be lodged with the Company:

  • by post to: For the attention of Stuart Younie, The Mountaineering Council of Scotland, The Granary, West Mill Street, Perth, Scotland, PH1 5QP;
  • by email to: or
  • using the online form.

in each case not later than 4:00pm on Monday 14th November 2022.

3.  Addresses (including electronic addresses) in this document are included strictly for the purposes specified and not for any other purpose.

Supporting papers and reports