Our climbing walls strategy

Here you will find information on our strategy to develop climbing facilities in Scotland.

Mountaineering Scotland has two documents that should be read in conjunction:

1.       The Mountaineering Scotland Climbing Wall Facilities Position Statement. This includes details about wall requirements, such as:

Drivers: How we make our decisions, what is taken into consideration and other key organisations

Participation Pathways: From a first introduction through school or youth groups or climbing wall kids clubs to elite performance in the Olympics

Facility Requirements: Design, accessibility, scale, style, features, coaching specific

Facility development: Developing the sport through performance and coaching

The Climbing Wall Facilities Position Statement for the period 2015-21 can be viewed here.

2. The Mountaineering Scotland Climbing Walls Strategy.

This accompanies the Position Statement and indicates the current level of facilities across Scotland and the potential for future development:

Upgrades required to older walls

New facilities

The Climbing Wall Facilities Strategy 2016-2021 can be viewed here.

If you have any questions regarding our strategy or wish to discuss your ideas, then please do get in touch with our Sport Development Officer, Kevin Howett